Home / Visit the IHDD / Prepare for Your Visit

Photo of a student and clinician communicating via sign language/ASL.The IHDD Specialty Clinics provide comprehensive interdisciplinary evaluation and care for individuals and families living with the impact of neurodevelopmental disabilities. We provide evidence-based assessments, advocacy, and training using family-centered and culturally appropriate principles of care.

Getting Here

Image: South Campus map showing the locations of the IHDD, Haring Center, and UW Autism Center.The IHDD is located directly behind the University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC) at the south end of the UW campus in Seattle, Washington.

IHDD Street Address:
1701 NE Columbia Rd
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-7920

Link to Google Maps.

Link to UW Campus map with location of IHDD

Link to walking map (IHDD from UWMC parking)

Public Transit to the IHDD

Link Light Rail/Sound Transit service brings you to the UW campus at Husky Stadium. This is very convenient for IHDD patients and staff.

Buses that stop in front of the UW Medical Center at NE Pacific St. and NE Pacific Pl. may include:

  • King County Metro: 43, 44, 45, 48, 71, 73, 167, 271, 277, 373
  • Sound Transit: 540, 541, 542, 556

Metro bus schedules and maps (includes links to other transportation agencies and Washington State Ferries). To use the King Co. Metro Trip planner, type University of Washington Medical Center into the “where does your trip end?” blank on the form.

Taxi Stop
Taxis stop in front of the main entrance to the University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC).

Health Sciences Shuttle Buses
Buses run between the University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC), UW Medical Center Roosevelt Clinics and Harborview (HS Express) [Schedule / Map]

Medical Center Shuttle Buses
The UW Medical Center stop for Shuttles listed below is located between the Surgery Pavilion and the UWMC Building.
UWMC South Lake Union [Schedule / Map]

Seattle Cancer Care Alliance provides free shuttle service between the UWMC, Children’s Hospital and Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center [Schedule / Shuttle Tracker]

Drop-offs at the IHDD

You may drop off at the west side (lower) entrance of the IHDD clinic building on Ferry Rd. (S9 parking) using the turn-around (Short-term use – others need to use the area as well).

Columbia Road, in front of IHDD, is for School buses for the Haring Center/EEU.

Parking for Medical Appointments and Research Participants

South Campus Garage
Hours: Monday – Friday 6:00 am – 10:00  pm
Parking is complementary at night and from noon Saturday until 6 am Monday, except during special events, such as Husky home games.
Height Clearance: 7 feet 5 inches

Preparing for Your Visit

Photo of a family of four smiling and looking at a book together.The clinic appointments can be tiring for children. Try to ensure a good night’s rest and eat breakfast before coming to the clinic. If your child takes medication, please continue with their standard dosing schedule. Remember to bring eyeglasses and any special equipment (e.g. orthotics, communication devices, or mobility devices) that your child typically uses.

Your child may have questions about why they are coming to the clinic. A simple explanation could be that you want to learn more about the skills that they have or find ways to help them at school. You can familiarize your child with the providers they will be seeing by looking at the photos on the Specialty Clinic page for your clinic.

What to Bring
  • Often appointments take several hours. Please bring snacks and drinks to keep your child’s energy up. The UW Medical Center cafeteria is located across the street from IHDD and has a coffee cart and a selection of snack and meal items.
  • A favorite book, toy or stuffy can provide comfort during the evaluation process.
  • Because there is no childcare available at the CTU, we suggest that you bring another adult along if it is necessary to bring siblings with you. We have a child-friendly waiting area for play.
  • If there has been any recent testing in or out of school or from medical appointments, it is helpful to bring copies of reports along to share with the evaluation team.
Parent Autism Support Services

Parent Autism Support Service (PASS)

PASS is a short-term service provided for families whose children have been recently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in one of the CTU Specialty Clinics. Through this service, families are supported through phone/e-mail communication to answer questions and help them navigate the numerous agencies and systems which may be involved in their child’s care. The PASS providers are CTU faculty and trainees who have first-hand experience as parents of children with special needs or extensive knowledge about available resources. This is an optional service which is provided at no cost to families.

Link to PASS Program brochure.

Community Connections

The CTU has established a community connection with Reach-Out-and Read (ROR), a non-profit organization in the US that advocates for childhood literacy. ROR was founded in 1989 at Boston City Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, and was based on the premise to “encourage parents to read regularly to their children and give them the tools to do so.

The CTU Specialty Clinic teams are part of the national network of clinicians who deliver information about the importance of reading together. Backed by research, the importance of reading and literacy in the early years is significant. To support literacy, children are offered books to take home with them, during clinic visits here.

Link to Reach Out and Read.

Billing and Insurance

Understanding healthcare costs can be a challenge. Costs depend on many factors, including your insurance, which specialty clinic you or your child visited, and the types of services received.

Once it is determined that you or your child will be seen in one of our specialty clinics, you will want to contact your insurance carrier for coverage, co-payments, and pre-authorization requirements. Depending on the specialists being seen, you may receive bills from the University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC) and University of Washington Physicians (UWP). The Patient Services Specialist in each CTU Specialty Clinic can assist with any questions that you might have.

Estimate Your Costs

Contact the Patient Services Specialist in your clinic to discuss costs.

If our services are covered by insurance, the insurance company will decide the amount you are responsible for paying. Your total final bill will probably be very different from the estimated price. Any estimates provided are not exact. Your charges will depend on the actual services that you receive.

You may qualify for financial assistance if you do not have insurance coverage, if you are unable to pay the patient responsibility portion of your bill, and if you meet certain income criteria. Our staff can also help you apply for financial assistance from the UWMC for these services or direct you to your local offices for Medicaid Washington State Health Insurance information.

Accepted Insurance Plans

Below is a list of health insurance plans and government programs in which UW Medicine participates. Important: Please contact your insurance company to be sure that your care at UW Medicine will be covered. UW Medicine does not participate in every plan that each insurance company offers. Your benefit plan may have specific networks for mental health, vision, or transplant services that do not include UW Medicine. In those cases, UW Medicine would be considered “out-of-network,” and your care here would not be covered.

Commercial Insurance Plans

Government Insurance Plans/Programs

UW Contact Information for Billing, Insurance and Financial Services

UW Medical Center

  • Online billing inquiries
  • Phone: 206.598.1950, Monday – Friday:  8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Mailing address: Campus Box 359430, Seattle, WA 98195-9430
  • Physical location: UW Tower, 4333 Brooklyn Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98195-9430

UW Physicians:

  • Phone: 206.520.9300, Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. –​ 5 p.m.
  • Mailing address: P.O. Box 34115, Seattle, WA 98124-1115

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