Giving to the IHDD
The IHDD at the University of Washington is dedicated to supporting the goals and aspirations of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families through interdisciplinary research, clinical services, professional training, community outreach and partnerships, dissemination, and advocacy activities.
Giving to the IHDD
The IHDD at the University of Washington is dedicated to supporting the goals and aspirations of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families through interdisciplinary research, clinical services, professional training, community outreach and partnerships, dissemination, and advocacy activities.
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Giving to IHDD
The IHDD at the University of Washington is one of six sites nationwide that houses all three programs: IDDRC, UCEDD and LEND. Our goal is to improve the lives of folks with developmental disabilities! While these programs are federally funded, this funding has decreased by about 50% over the past decades, during a time when costs and need are increasing. We therefore need to look to outside support to continue this important work.
**MacOS Safari users: please use this link to give to the IHDD.**
Your gift will help fund programs like the UW Employment Program.
Your gift will help fund programs like the UW Employment Program (UWEP).
Featured Clinic
The UCEDD’s Neurogenetics Clinic is co-sponsored by the Departments of Neurology and Medicine (Medical Genetics). The clinic’s purpose is to evaluate, diagnose and provide genetic counseling and long-term management for patients and families with a wide variety of genetic diseases of the nervous system. This clinic is also a clinical training site for medical students, residents, and fellows.
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