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Screenshot of the Project ECHO logo from the Project ECHO video

What is Project ECHO?

Project ECHO (Extension for Community Health Outcomes) is an innovative online service delivery model that uses case-based guided practice. The ECHO model is interdisciplinary and connects experts with participants through a hub-and-spoke approach. This case-based approach combines knowledge and capacity building through brief, targeted didactic instruction, with applied, case-based interdisciplinary learning opportunities. Project ECHO aims in create a community of practice, increasing competence and confidence of providers across a variety of disciplines.

Project ECHO sessions occur remotely using Zoom technology. Our sessions are 1- 1.5 hours long and include up to 100 participants. Hub teams include experts in each discipline represented in the ECHO series. Each session includes a short workshop (didactic instruction) on targeted content followed by a real-life case presentation. Participants (spokes) and the hub team engage in a collaborative discussion, identifying multidisciplinary suggestions and recommendations related to the presented case presentation.

More about Project ECHO:

ECHO Networks at the Institute on Human Development and Disability (IHDD)

Image: UW Haring Center and UW Autism Center logo.
Image: On-Time Autism Intervention logo.
ECHO in Special Education: Teachers, Educators, & Related Service Staff

Description: This series is an ongoing professional development series for teachers, educators, and related service staff serving students with disabilities across the state of Washington. Workshops cover Evidence-based Practices in Special Education and tiered systems of support.

Length: 24 sessions

Cohort: Closed network

Participants: Special and general Education teachers

ECHO Team Lead: Katy Bateman

Hub team: BCBA, Certified Special Education Teacher, Faculty member in Special Education, Parent Advocate. Spokes/network: Teachers, educators, and related service staff across WA state.

Funding Source: Currently on hiatus; original funding provided by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

ECHO in Special Education: Parents, Caregivers, & Families

Description: This series is a parent education series on challenging behavior using the Project ECHO service delivery model. Workshops cover basic principles of behavior, strategies to prevent and respond to challenging behavior, function-based interventions, as well as instructional approaches to teach new skills and behaviors.

Length: 12-sessions

Cohort: Closed network

Participants: Caregivers of children with challenging behavior at home

ECHO Team Lead: Katy Bateman

Hub team: BCBA, Mental Health Specialist, Certified Special Education Teacher, Parent Advocate. Spokes/network: Parents, caregivers, families across WA state.

Funding Source: The Arc of Washington Trust Fund, The Rubenstein Foundation, DDA

ECHO Early Autism: Collaboration - On Time Autism Intervention (OTAI)

Description: This series is a training series focused on increasing collaboration among Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) and Part C Early Supports for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT) providers (SLPs, OTs, Family Resource Coordinators, Special Educators) using the Project ECHO service delivery model. Workshops cover foundational topics such as background and philosophical approaches of both service groups, cultural humility, collaboration, and topics focused on developmentally appropriate instruction for young children such as goal selection, environment, routines-based intervention, and the teaching loop.

Length: 13 sessions

Cohort: Closed network

Participants: BCBAs and ESIT providers working with children ages birth- 3 years of age with autism

ECHO Team Lead: Ashley Penney

Hub Team: UW Special Education Faculty, ESIT Special Educator, ESIT SLP, BCBA. Spokes/network: BCBAs & ESIT providers across WA state.

Funding Source: The Seattle Foundation

ECHO Early Autism: Navigation - On Time Autism Intervention (OTAI)

Description: This series is a training series on increasing navigation supports for Part C Early Supports for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT) providers working with families of children with concerns for autism using the Project ECHO service delivery model. Participating ESIT providers partner and work closely with families as they navigate concerns for autism, diagnosis, and treatment/intervention for their child. Workshops cover information, resources, and strategies to support families before, during, and after diagnosis of autism.

Length: 16 sessions

Cohort: Closed network

Participants: ESIT providers working with families of children with concerns for autism

ECHO Team Lead: Katy Bateman

Hub team: BCBA/Certified Special Education Teacher, ESIT Autism Navigator, Parent Advocate. Spokes/network: Birth -3 ESIT providers.

Funding Source: The Seattle Foundation

ECHO Early Autism: Parents - On Time Autism Intervention (OTAI)

Description: This series is a training series on increasing knowledge and support for parents, caregivers, and family members of young children (birth to 3 years of age) diagnosed with autism. Workshops cover information on adjusting to a new diagnosis, finding providers, as well as strategies to support learning during daily routines.

Length: 8 sessions

Cohort: Closed network

Participants: Parents, caregivers, and families of children with autism

ECHO Team Lead: Ashley Penney

Hub Team: BCBA, SLP, Parent Advocate, mental health provider. Spokes/network: Parents of children with autism ages 0-3 years old.

Funding Source: The Seattle Foundation

WA INCLUDE/Clinical Training Unit (CTU) ECHO NetworksImage of the Project ECHO and Project ECHO at UW LEND logo.

ECHO IDD Programs

ECHO IDD Wraparound – 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month; 8:30-10:00am

Description ECHO IDD Wraparound is a recurring telehealth program designed to provide training and support to Washington State’s community health care providers who work with children and young adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD) and behavioral health needs. ECHO IDD Wraparound sessions is interdisciplinary and includes participants from across WA state’s systems of care including schools, DDA, HCA, and community-based therapists.

Length: All year (12 months)

Cohort: Open

Participants: Care coordinators, parent and peer partners, family and self-advocates, clinicians, behavior analysts, school personnel and other professionals who work with children with IDD and behavioral health needs.

ECHO Team Leads: Swee May Cripe (coordinator) & Jim Mancini (facilitator)

Hub team: Psychologist (RUBI), Neurologist, Social Worker, Speech-Language Pathologist, Behavior Analyst, Behavioral Health Provider, Family Advocate, Self-Advocate, WA Medical Home

Funding Source: Health Care Authority (Note: Recommended to be included in Governor’s budget)

ECHO IDD Resources & Resources Navigation – 3rd Wednesday of each month; 8:30 – 10:00am

Description: This track covers discussion of resources, services, supports, and information related to individuals with IDD/ASD diagnosis, ages 0 through the lifespan. Topics will include what to do while waiting for an evaluation, getting started following a diagnosis, understanding and navigating early intervention services, Developmental Disabilities Administration, state and federal resources, commonly recommended therapies, mental health services, resources for challenging behaviors, managing crisis, and other vital supports for parents, caregivers, families, and individuals with IDD/ASD.

Length: All year (12 months)

Cohort: Open

Participants: Family advocates, care coordinators, case managers, resource navigators, Health Care Workers, parent and self-advocates, clinicians, and any other professionals who support the IDD/ASD population and seek to gain deeper understanding and knowledge of IDD/ASD resources, services, information, and supports. These are individuals who are going to use this information to support parents, caregivers, and individuals with IDD/ASD as they navigate the complex maze that often accompanies an IDD/ASD diagnosis.

ECHO Team Lead: Sennie Rose (coordinator), Katrina Davis & Kate Orville (facilitators)

Hub team: Social Worker, Clinician, Resources Expert, Family Advocate, Self-Advocate, WA Medical Home

Funding Source: Health Care Authority (Note: Recommended to be included in Governor’s budget)

ECHO IDD Psychiatric Care – 1st Wednesday of each month; 8:30-10:00am

Description: This track provides support and advanced training in diagnostic assessment and psychopharmacology to increase confidence in treating the co-occurring mental health conditions in IDD youth and young adults. Learn how to apply evidence-based treatments for common co-occurring behavioral health conditions. Join a network of providers from Washington State managing the psychiatric care of youth and young adults with IDD and behavioral health needs and learning together to advance health equity and social justice.

Length: All year (12 months)

Cohort: Open

Participants: Primary care providers, psychiatrists, Psych ARNPs, PA-Cs, NDs who are already enrolled with a Managed Care Organization (MCO) or considering enrollment with an MCO.

ECHO Team Lead: Sennie Rose (coordinator) & Sophie Lu (facilitator)

Hub team: Psychiatrist, Advanced Practice Provider, Neurologist, Psychologist, Speech-Language Pathologist, Family Advocate, Self-Advocate

Funding Source: Health Care Authority (Note: Recommended to be included in Governor’s budget)

ECHO Autism Washington Cohorts

ECHO Autism – Orange Cohort – 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month; 11:30 – 1:00pm

Description: ECHO Autism Washington – Orange will mentor clinicians in the diagnosis and management of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) using case-based learning, didactics, and expert consultation. Through case-based learning and didactics, ECHO Autism WA course faculty experts guide practitioners in the diagnosis and management of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ECHO Autism Orange is generally directed toward providers who are new to COE work and/or focusing on younger children (under 6 years of age)

Length: All year (12 months)

Cohort: Open

Participants: Medical and psychiatric providers who have a Center of Excellence (COE) provider designation and serve children with Medicaid/Apple Health Insurance.

ECHO Team Lead: Sennie Rose (Coordinator) & Shayla Collins (Facilitator)

Hub team: Family Advocate, Self-Advocate, Psychologist, Advanced Practice Provider, Speech-Language Pathologist, Behavior Analyst, Nutritionist, WA Medical Home

Funding Source: WA State Legislature and WA LEND Program

ECHO Autism – Purple Cohort – 4th Wednesday of each month; 12:00 – 1:00pm

Description: ECHO Autism Washington – Purple will mentor clinicians in the diagnosis and management of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) using case-based learning, didactics, and expert consultation. Through case-based learning and didactics, ECHO Autism WA course faculty experts guide practitioners in the diagnosis and management of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ECHO Autism Purple is generally directed toward providers who have experience with diagnosis and care planning of patients with ASD and/or focus on patients through the lifespan.

Length: All year (12 months)

Cohort: Open

Participants: Medical and psychiatric providers who have a Center of Excellence (COE) provider designation and serve children with Medicaid/Apple Health Insurance.

ECHO Team Lead: Sennie Rose (Coordinator) & Beth Ogata (Facilitator)

Hub team: Family Advocate, Self-Advocate, Psychologist, Neurologist, Speech-Language Pathologist, Behavior Analyst, Nutritionist, WA Medical Home

Funding Source: WA State Legislature and WA LEND Program

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