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The UCEDD’s Neurogenetics Clinic is co-sponsored by the Departments of Neurology and Medicine (Medical Genetics). The clinic’s purpose is to evaluate, diagnose and provide genetic counseling and long-term management for patients and families with a wide variety of genetic diseases of the nervous system. This clinic is also a clinical training site for medical students, residents, and fellows.
The Neurogenetics Clinic is a full-day clinic that meets three times each month. Each year the clinic serves over 300 clients who have an array of neurogenetic disorders including Huntington’s disease, Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy, hereditary neuropathy, hereditary ataxias, muscular dystrophies, familial dementia, familial movement disorders, leukodystrophies, Neimann Pick type C, and others. This clinic uses an interdisciplinary team approach that includes a neurologist, a neurogenetic nurse specialist, a genetic counselor and a medical social service worker. The patients receive examination, diagnostic testing, genetic counseling, attention to their social service needs and longitudinal follow-up. This represents a unique clinical resource in the state of Washington and includes an outreach clinic on an annual basis in Spokane and Yakima.
Clinic Contact
Debbie Olson Phone: 206.598.4030
Neurogenetics Clinic | 2020 |
Number of Unique Clients | 592 |
Number of Visits | 1,595 |
Visit per Client Ratio | 3 |
Number of Clinician-Client Interactions | 1904 |
Clinician/Client Interaction per Client Ratio | 3 |
Clinic Contact
Debbie Olson Phone: 206.598.4030