Home / News / Northwest Access Fund’s Youth Services Program

Image: Screenshot of the Northwest Access Fund website homepage.

July 13, 2023 – The Northwest Access Fund is a nonprofit organization and partner of our Washington Assistive Technology Act Program that is dedicated to increasing financial access and independence for individuals with disabilities in the Pacific Northwest. Their Youth Services Program provides personalized one-on-one assistance to transition-aged youth with disabilities, offering guidance on ABLE accounts, financial management, disability benefits, and transitioning to adult benefits. With a strong focus on empowerment and advocacy, the program equips youth with the resources and knowledge necessary to navigate financial challenges and achieve greater independence.

For additional information about the Northwest Access Fund’s Youth Services Program, and to register for their webinar, please follow this link.

Image: The Disability Pride Flag; Black flag with Red, Yellow, White, Blue and Green diagonal stripes.Video Screenshot: Teacher at Toppenish Middle School assisting a student.