Phone: 206.616.8246
Dr. Tommy Wood is a UK-trained MD with a Ph.D. in physiology and neuroscience. He earned an undergraduate degree in biochemistry from the University of Cambridge before attending medical school at the University of Oxford. After working as a junior doctor in central London, he moved to Norway for his PhD work, and then to the University of Washington as a postdoc, where he is a Research Assistant Professor of Pediatrics.
His research interests include the physiological and metabolic responses to brain injury and how that impacts brain health across the lifespan, as well as developing easily-accessible methods with which to track health, performance, and longevity in both elite athletes and the general population. He sits on the scientific advisory board of Hintsa Performance, which includes developing nutrition and lifestyle strategies to optimize performance in Formula 1 drivers. He is a founding director of the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine and act as associate editor for the Wiley journal Lifestyle Medicine.
He and his wife, Elizabeth Nance, share their home with two energetic (and goofy) boxers. In his spare time, he can usually be found cooking, hiking, reading, or lifting something heavy.
More about Dr. Wood …
University of Oslo (Sep 2013 – Aug 2016)
University of Oxford (Sep 2007 – Jul 2011)
Research Funding
2021‐2026 Repurposing azithromycin for premature brain injury. NICHD R01 HD101422‐02. Role: PI. Total award: $2,087,401.
2021‐2021 Pharmacokinetic (PK) and pilot neuroprotection studies of a novel ketone ester in a rat model of hypoxic‐ischemic brain injury. Role: PI. Total award: $6,000
2017‐2021 Uridine neuroprotection in neonatal hypoxic‐ischemic brain injury. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Role: Co‐I during supplemental period. Total Award: $568,883.
2020‐2022 Enzyme‐loaded nanoparticles for neonatal neuroprotection. 1R21HD100639‐01. Role: Co‐I. Total Award: $405,666