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Have You or a Family Member had a Section 504 Plan from a School?

Photo: Two students holding hands, smiling, and walking to school.What is the purpose?

Vanderbilt University is conducting a national survey with family members of children with disabilities and adults with disabilities who have had Section 504 plans at school.

Who can participate?

You must be one of the following:

  • A student (aged 12 or older) who has a Section 504 plan from school. The student’s parent must consent for the student to complete the survey.
  • A family caregiver of a child who had a Section 504 plan from school.
  • An adult with a disability who had a Section 504 plan from school.

What will you do?

You will complete a survey. The survey will take 20-30 minutes to complete.

How can you enroll?

Complete the survey here or contact Meghan Burke at meghan.burke@vanderbilt.edu; 615-343-1014

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Image: Disability as Diversity: Reducing Researcher Roadblocks logo. D2R3Photo: Four people standing and smiling in a hallway. One person has a cane.