Home / Stories / CREATE Annual Impact Report: New Milestones

Logo for University of Washington CREATE: Center for Research and Education on Accessible Technology and Experiences at the University of Washington. Name written in white text on purple background.

CREATE has released its Annual Impact Report, showcasing another year of impactful research and advocacy in developing accessible technologies.

A key milestone this year is securing a $4.6 million grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research. This five-year grant supports a new Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC), where CREATE will address the risks and opportunities that AI presents for people with disabilities.

This initiative highlights CREATE’s commitment to responsible AI and prioritizing accessibility in technological innovation. CREATE researchers published 57 papers on a range of topics, including AI, early childhood mobility aids, and inclusive design. The report also highlights CREATE’s collaborations with partners, educational initiatives, and advocacy efforts.

To read the full report, click here.

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Photo of a child, wearing a bandage and holding their thumb up after receiving a vaccination shot.Screenshot of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) website on a laptop.