Home / News / Family Voices: FELSC Family and Youth Engagement Survey

Image: Family Engagement and Leadership in Systems of Care logo on top and the Family Voices logo on the bottom.

Shared from our partner, FamilyVoices.org:

Family Voices is learning more about what youth and families need to feel engaged in health care transformation. We would like to invite you to complete a short survey if you are a:

Family member / caregiver of a child or young person (age 0-26) with a disability or special health care needs

  • Click here to complete the family survey in English
  • Haga clic aquí para completar la encuesta familiar en español

A young adult with a disability or special health care needs (18-26 years old)

  • Click here to complete the youth survey in English
  • Haga clic aquí para completar la encuesta para jóvenes en español
Photo: Trevor Pacelli, author and writer of an article on the Seattle Children's Autism Blog, 'Speaking Up as an Autism Mentor.' Trevor is smiling in the photo.Photo: UW Autism Center's APEX Summer Camp campers playing kickball on a sunny day.