Home / Funding Opportunities / April 10, 2024 AUCD Weekly: Funding Opportunities

Image: Person looking at a laptop screen with the AUCD Weekly Bulletin displaying.Via the AUCD Weekly

Enhance Disease Detection in Newborns
Deadline: June 4, 2024
Award Ceiling: $1,000,000
To enhance Newborn Screening (NBS) practice, CDC announces a new NOFO for a public health laboratory to establish a NBS Center of Excellence that will 1) develop infrastructure to implement existing, advanced technologies to expand NBS system capacity, 2) use advanced technologies as second and third tier testing platforms to optimize screening performance, and 3) incorporate bio-informatics to analyze complex biochemical and molecular data. Over the four-year project, the recipient will pilot methods to enhance NBS practices in public health laboratories, collaborate and share findings with the NBS community, and partner with CDC subject-matter experts on data harmonization and modernization efforts. This project will better position NBS programs to adapt to advanced technologies and meet increasing demands within NBS.

Administration for Community Living, Information and Planning: Understanding the Capacity of the Aging Network
Deadline: June 5, 2024
Award Ceiling: $250,000
This funding announcement seeks to broaden the knowledge base of the Aging Network around ACL priorities, such as caregiving, housing, diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as other critical issues. The primary goal is to increase ACL and the Aging Network’s understanding of how AAAs, Tribal Organizations, and other agencies as appropriate, are adapting, enhancing, and expanding services and supports to meet current and future needs of older adults and their caregivers.

Administration for Community Living, Disability and Rehabilitation Research Project: Development and Distribution of Mobile Applications For Use By People With Disabilities
Deadline: June 7, 2024
Award Ceiling: $600,000
Under this particular DRRP funding opportunity, applicants must propose to conduct development and knowledge translation activities to facilitate the efficient development and distribution of mobile applications for use by people with disabilities. Mobile applications developed and distributed under this priority must be used to improve outcomes among people with disabilities in one or more of NIDILRR’s outcome domains: (1) community living and participation, (2) health and function, and (3) employment. This grant will have a 60-month project period with five 12-month budget periods.

Health Resources and Services Administration, Supporting Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Screening and Intervention
Deadline: June 21, 2024
Award Ceiling: $950,000
The Supporting Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Screening and Intervention program helps reduce alcohol use during pregnancy and improves outcomes for children with FASD nationwide, especially in communities where there’s a high rate of binge drinking during pregnancy. The program focuses on educating Primary Care Providers (PCPs) and increasing the use of screening, intervention, and referral processes for high-risk pregnancies. The program’s goals include increasing PCPs’ knowledge of the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy as well as promoting recommended screenings, interventions, and referral approaches.

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Screenshot of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) website on a laptop.Image: Networking graphic from the Newborn Brain Society logo.