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Mental Health Institute: Strategies to Support Patients with I/DD and Mental Health Challenges

Introduction Session (required):  March 22, 2024
Time: 9:00am – 4:30pm (PST)
Location: Virtual
Registration: UWSpirityLab.org

Topics include:

Image: Composite image of human silhouettes showing different types of brain activity.

  • Systemic Issues
  • Testimonials from providers and clients
  • Medical and Social Models of Disability
  • Understanding Diagnostic Criteria
  • Mental Health in I/DD

The goal of this training is to build on existing provider expertise and expand confidence and competence in working with clients with intellectual and developmental disabilities including Autism Spectrum Disorder. The training will cover core components of evidence-based practices for youth mental health such as effective assessment, treatment planning, culturally relevant care, and strategies for depression, anxiety, and trauma. Examples will be presented of adaptations of commonly used interventions which use visually based learning, use of structure and routine, support for sensory needs, and strategies to support effective behavior. Training sessions will include didactic presentations of specific tools and strategies, case presentations utilizing those skills, lived experience perspectives, and opportunities for questions, discussion and continued learning.

Clinical Skill-Building Series for Working with Clients with IDD and Mental Health Concerns

  • Weekly 8-week course on Fridays from 11 am- 1 pm from April 5 – May 24, 2024
  • Offered to participants of the one-day “Introduction to Working with Clients with IDD and Mental Health Concerns” workshop who are seeking additional clinical training and skill-building for direct care with I/DD population.
  • Sessions include lived perspective from clients and parents, didactic by community provider and related case presentation for participant discussion, and skill practice.
  • Provides an opportunity to dive into specific clinical topics in greater detail and utilize an in-vivo learning community to expand understanding of and tools for supporting clients with I/DD.

Clinical Skill-Building Series:

  • April 5: Ethical considerations and client autonomy
  • April 12: Assessment and Prioritization of Needs
  • April 19: Relationships, Community, and Family Therapy
  • April 26: Anxiety
  • May 3: Depression and Suicide Risk Assessment
  • May 10: Speech and Occupational Therapy
  • May 17: Severe Behavior and Crisis Planning
  • May 24: Navigating Medical Complexity

Training Facilitators:

James Mancini, MS, CCC-SLP, Director, INCLUDE

Rachel Earl, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist

Karis Casagrande, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist

KJ Glaves, LMFT, Child Mental Health Specialist

Sage Davis, BS, Social Work Trainee, Self-Advocate

Image: Rare Disease Day logo showing green pink and blue hands connected at the palm.Photo: Two young children riding on mobility ride-on cars in the sunshine.