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Cannabis Use and Brain development Study (CUBS)
Image: Silhouette of a person who is pregnant and carrying a child. They have their arms wrapped around their unborn child.(Via Kleinhans Lab): The purpose of the CUB Study is to improve our understanding of brain development in infants whose mothers used cannabis during pregnancy and in those whose mothers did not. Although cannabis use has increased among pregnant and non-pregnant people nationwide, there is still limited and often conflicting scientific data available to help future parents understand the risks and benefits associated with using cannabis while pregnant. Through observational and neurobehavioral measures, we will follow participants from their first trimester of pregnancy through their child’s first 18 months of life. Our goal is to learn new information that will provide guidance for medical professionals and help pregnant people make informed choices about cannabis use for themselves and their families.

We are currently recruiting pregnant individuals who have already made the personal choice to use or not use cannabis during their first trimester.

What should I expect if I participate?
Participants in this study will be asked to complete six in-person visits at the University of Washington; one visit for each trimester of pregnancy, and visits when your child is newborn, 6 months, and 18 months old. During the newborn visit, your child will receive an MRI scan.

If you are in the cannabis group, we will also ask you to complete weekly surveys tracking your cannabis use. Participants do not need to keep using cannabis to stay in this study – you are free to stop, pause, or change your use at any time and can continue to participate.

Researchers are currently looking for participants who are…

  • Pregnant
  • 21-45 years old
  • Frequently using cannabis

Participants will receive:

  • $350 or more
  • Complimentary one-day parking
  • A developmental report from a licensed psychologist
  • Images of their baby’s brain, safely scanned by MRI

Have questions or you’d like to participate?
To learn more about the study or to participate, please fill out the CUBS contact form, email them at cubstudy@uw.edu, or call them at (206)616-7284. Follow the CUBS study on social media via their linktree.

To learn more about our other cannabis research, click here to see our cannabis peer-reviewed journal publications.

Download the CUB Study flier (PDF)

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Image: University of Washington W logo - White W on Purple background.