Home / Participate in Research / Seattle Children’s: GEMs in RUBI Study

Photo of a mother and child working on a puzzle together.Interested in a study about parents’ emotions and problem-solving to understand biological processes in children with neurodevelopmental disorders with challenging behaviors, such as aggression, tantrums, or destruction?

The GEMs in RUBI Study is a voluntary research study that involves questionnaires and a one-time, in-person laboratory visit that includes an EEG session and cognitive assessment for parents.

Qualifying participants are:

  • Parents over 18 years of age AND
  • Parents who read English or Spanish AND
  • At least one of your children is aged 2 to 12 years AND
  • We are recruiting parents of children without autism spectrum disorder diagnoses AND
    parents of children with autism spectrum disorder diagnoses AND
  • Parent is free of current or historical neurological, psychiatric, or other conditions that
    significantly impact daily living (e.g., traumatic brain injury, stroke, schizophrenia, current substance abuse)

Contact us! Email: gemsinrubi@seattlechildrens.org or Call: (206)-616-2889

For additional information, please download the GEMs is RUBI Study PDF.

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