Home / Research Projects / UW Autism Center Professional Training

Contact: Robin Talley (rtalley@uw.edu)
Core Function: Professional Training
Program: UW Autism Center

The mission of the UWAC Professional Training and Consultation Program is to provide high-quality training and consultation to community professionals, parents and caregivers, and educators who interact with and serve autistic individuals across the Pacific Northwest.

  • Professional Training Program at UWAC:The UW Autism Center training program is here to help schools and agencies provide evidence-based programs and increase accessibility and acceptance for autistic individuals. Our experienced, multi-disciplinary staff provides workshops to meet the specific needs of educators and community providers. Workshops can be tailored for those with beginning through advanced levels of knowledge and experience. Workshops focus on topics such as Addressing Challenging Behaviors, Applied Behavior Analysis, Autistic Culture and Neurodiversity, Strengths Based Assessment and Intervention, and ADOS-2.  For current offerings, check our website: https://depts.washington.edu/uwautism/training/
  • Professional Training and Consultation in the Community:The UWAC also provides in-service training and consultation to schools, community agencies, and mental health settings.  Services include workshops individualized to the needs of the requesting agency, program consultation, and student consultation.  Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) can also be provided.
  • APEX Summer Camp Counselor Training: Over 40 graduate and undergraduate students from around the world participate in an intensive 7-week clinical internship at the APEX Summer Camp program, including 2 weeks of training and 5 weeks of direct intervention using evidence-based practices.

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Image: White IHDD logo centered on a UW purple background.Image: White IHDD logo centered on a UW purple background.