Home / Research Projects / UCEDD Consumer Advisory Council

Contact: Mark Harniss (mharniss@uw.edu)
Core Function: Technical Assistance and Outreach Training
Program: Community Disability Policy Initiative

The UCEDD Consumer Advisory Council (CAC) was established to provide a vital level of input to the UCEDD to guide the direction of the center and to inform the community of our outreach activities. The CAC members meet three times a year to advise on strategies and provide feedback to the UCEDD on services, training, and policies that are needed to support people with developmental disabilities and their families. The CAC is comprised of self-advocates, family members of children and adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities, and directors from the UCEDD, Disability Rights Washington, the Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council, and Allies in Advocacy. Additional members include state agencies and community advocacy organizations.

The majority of Council members are individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities or family members. This composition ensures that the perspectives of these communities are heard and that major initiatives of the UCEDD are responsive to the needs of individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities. CAC members act as a sounding board for UCEDD faculty and staff members when new programs are developed and existing programs are up for renewal. CAC members also identify issues for UCEDD outreach efforts, such as inclusion, diversity, siblings, pre-service connections for health care providers, health promotion for adults and elders, criminal justice, teaching behavioral skills to providers, training school district staff on positive supports, housing, and creating inclusive communities. Currently, the CAC has created two committees on topics of current importance. The first is on developing post-secondary educational opportunities at the University of Washington. The second committee has been formed to develop a UCEDD plan of action on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI).

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Image: White IHDD logo centered on a UW purple background.Image: White IHDD logo centered on a UW purple background.