Home / Research Projects / ECHO Autism Adult Healthcare

Contact: Gary Stobbe (gastobbe@uw.edu)
Core Function: Professional Training, Technical Assistance and Outreach Training
Program: Adults and Elders

Launched through a Department of Defense grant awarded to Vanderbilt University (Dr. Beth Malow, Principal Investigator), ECHO Autism Adult Healthcare began clinics officially in November 2020. Through this ECHO program, primary care providers across the US are able to share complex patient cases and receive advice from autism specialists ranging from the fields of neurology, psychology, psychiatry, internal medicine, family advocacy, and self-advocacy. Dr. Stobbe is serving on the expert “hub” team panel, and outside of Tennessee (the home of Vanderbilt University), Washington State has the largest representation of “spoke” primary care provider (PCP) participants. PCP participants are receiving CME credit, and are gaining knowledge through case presentation and didactics on topics such as healthcare transition, self-advocacy, sexuality, co-occurring medical conditions, co-occurring behavioral health conditions, post-secondary education and employment, housing and community supports, and life skills development.

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Image: White IHDD logo centered on a UW purple background.Image: White IHDD logo centered on a UW purple background.