Home / Research Projects / Autism Coalition of Tacoma

Contact: Gary Stobbe (gastobbe@uw.edu)
Core Function: Information Development and Dissemination, Technical Assistance and Outreach Training
Program: Adults and Elders

The mission of the Autism Coalition of Tacoma (ACT) is to enrich the lives of all individuals and their families in the South Puget Sound impacted by autism and related developmental disabilities. ACT was formed in 2017 as a result of the Simon Family Endowment. The goal of the Simon Family Endowment is to help build, connect and enhance programs and services supporting adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other intellectual disabilities. ACT is a collaboration of the major institutions in the South Sound currently supporting individuals and families impacted by autism. Members of the ACT Professional Advisory Committee were appointed based on their expertise in the field of autism and their knowledge of the South Sound.

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Image: White IHDD logo centered on a UW purple background.Image: White IHDD logo centered on a UW purple background.