Home / Research / Research Participants Needed for Project ENGAGE

Research participants wanted!

Share your ideas about being included in a new type of health research!

Image: Project ENGAGE logo.To learn more, read below, check out our flyer, or watch our video (below)

We want to learn what adults with intellectual disability think about being included in a new type of health research. We will use what we learn to create new resources to help researchers include adults with intellectual disability in health research.

We will ask adults with intellectual disability to:

  • share ideas and experiences in a survey. It is ok to not have experience with health research or know much about it.
  • take the survey on a computer, over the phone, or by paper

It may take up to one hour to take the survey.

People who take the survey may receive up to a $50 gift card.

Project ENGAGE is a research study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

To learn more, take the survey, or ask questions about accommodations:

Phone: 1-800-295-2187
Email: engageinpmr@syr.edu

We hope to hear from you! Please share with others!

Katie McDonald, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Syracuse University

Maya Sabatello, LLB, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Columbia University

Photo: Thomas Burbacher smiling and standing in front of a wood dedication wall.Image: All of Us Research Program logo